Selected Bibliography

  • Erica Silberman - "The Third Edition of Desert X AlUla Unveils the Unseen", WHITEWALL
  • Amber van As - "Gekleurde bundeltjes van stof in De Lakenhal", Museumtijdschrift
  • Sandra Biffot-Lacut - "A la Bourse de commerce, de I'art contemporain et des miroirs qui donnent le vertige", AFP
  • Kate Mothes - "A Disorienting Mirrored Floor by Kimsooja Skews Perspectives at a Paris Art Museum", Colossal
  • "To Breathe - Constellation by Kimsooja", designboom
  • Fanny Del Volta - "Psychéà l’œuvre", Point de Vue
  • 宋佩芬, "Art Bridge 架一座桥", AD China
  • 이은주, - "보따리'로 이어온 40년 작업, 파리 피노 컬렉션 미술관서 빛난다", Joongang Ilbo
  • 조은아, - "설치미술가 김수자에 빠진 ‘유럽 예술계 큰손’ 케링그룹", Dong-A Ilbo
  • 허윤희, - "거울로 채운 지름 29m 원형 바닥… 억만장자의 미술관서 하늘을 걷는 듯", Chosun Ilbo
  • 전종현, - "억만장자의 미술관을 뒤집어 버린 한국 작가", W Korea
  • 양윤정, - "파리 중심에 나타난 김수자의 무한한 항아리", Monthly Design
  • Kim Jiseon, - "김수자라는 우주", AVENUEL
  • Narang Kim, - "Faces of Art", Vogue Korea
  • Lilly Wei, - "Kimsooja: Meta-Painting", Studio International
  • Kitty Zijlmans, - "Unknotting", Kimsooja - Thread Roots, Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp.10-27.
  • Amanda Pinatih, - "Unravel", Kimsooja - Thread Roots, Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp.30-33.
  • Keumhwa Kim, - "Creating Fluidity in a Rigid World", Kimsooja - Thread Roots, Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp.36-39.
  • Nicole Roepers, - "Kimsooja in Museum De Lakenhal", Kimsooja - Thread Roots, Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp.46-75.
  • Roel Arkesteijn, - "Weaver of Canvas and Metaphors", Kimsooja - Thread Roots, Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp.78-80.
  • Colin Huizing, - "To Breathe – Leiden 2022", Kimsooja - Thread Roots, Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp.86-91.
  • Kyoo Lee, - "Kimsooja: On n On — Nine Threads on Kimsooja’s Pivottari, Its Ongoing Archival Reaches and Resonances", MMCA Hyundai Motor Series 2014-2023, pp.153-160. pp.235-243.
  • Keumhwa Kim, - "김수자, 물질문화 속에 직조된 시간과 공간의 공명", Craft Culture, pp. 76-83.
  • Kim Hong-hee, - ""Nomadism" Kimsooja, Kyungah Ham", Korean Feminist Artists: Confront and Deconstruct, Phaidon, Youlhwadang
  • Volga Serin Suleymanoglu, - "Kimsooja Discusses the Intriguing Stories Behind Her Art", Honorary Reporters
  • Lee Kyoung Jin - "FULL OF MIND 45년의 예술 여정, 아티스트 김수자의 깊고 긴 숨.", ELLE Korea, pp. 98-103.
  • Soyeon Ahn - "Journey from point to infinity"
  • Minh An Szabó de Bucs - "Kimsooja-Ausstellung im Humboldt-Forum", Tagesspiegel
  • Ingeborg Ruthe - "Aus dem "Land der Morgenstille" Südkorea: Mondtöpfe, Brautbündel und eine "Schule der Dinge“", Berliner-Zeitung
  • Tomas Fitzel - "Exhibition opening at the Humboldt Forum | Kimsooja - (Un)Folding Bottari", rbbKultur
  • Volker Blech - "A bundle full of surprises", Berliner Morgenpost
  • Keumhwa Kim - "Bottari as a Fluid Canvas and Sculpture" - The Museum für Asiatische Kunst and The Ethnologisches Museum, Humboldt Forum, pp.20-23
  • "Kimsooja To Breathe", Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann, pp.11-23
  • Malene Vest Hansen - "Transcultural Weaving" - Cisternerne, Frederiksberg Museum, pp.20-25
  • Elisabeth Millqvist - "I walk through the s-t-i-t-c-h-i-n-g" - Sowing into Painting, Wanås Konst | The Wanås Foundation and KEWENIG, pp.20-47.
  • Lee Sunyoung - "김수자, 사잇길로 넘나든 경계" - Public Art, October, 2022 pp. 82-69
  • Andreson Subin - "Interview" - Plus Magazine, 2022 pp.132-145
  • YU Seon Ae - "One the Spectrum KIMSOOJA" - Marie Claire, September, 2022 pp.58-67
  • Kim Kibu - "Kim Sooja: From Social Sculpture to the Realm of Infinity"
  • 현대문학을 위한 드로잉 프로젝트 2021, 현대문학, No.806, 2022.2
  • Kim, Honghee - "보따리로 감싸고 자수로 엮어낸 여성성… 공통된 키워드는 ‘관계맺기'" - The Kyunghyang daily news, March 2021
  • Lee, Yeonjae - "김수자, 문화인류학적 탐구를 이어가는 바늘 여인" - Contemporary Art Forum, June 2021
  • Yun, Nanji : "아우름과 떠남의 미학: 김수자의 보따리" - Monthly Art Magazine, November 2020, pp. 66-69
  • Mark Rappolt : "Kimsooja, The New Normal" - ArtReview Asia, Summer 2020, pp.48-55
  • Yeon Shim Chung, Sunjung Kim, Kimberly Chung, Keith B. Wagner : "Korean Art from 1953: Collision, Innovation, Interaction, " - Published by Phaidon, 2020, 360p.
  • Doris, von Drathen : "Kimsooja, SCHAUENDES DENKEN" - Kunstforum International,Bd. 267, May 2020, Artist monograph, pp.199- 211
  • Kim, Boggi : "A Needle Woman Weaves the World, a special interview with Kimsooja" - art in culture, January 2020, pp. 44-67
  • Amine, Haase : "Die Stadt und Die Kunst" - Kunstforum International Bd. 265, January-February 2020, pp.292- 295
  • Myriam, Boutoulle : "Portrait d'artiste : Kimsooja tisse sa toile" - Connaissance des Arts, January 2020, pp. 50-55
  • Andy Saint Louis : "Mirror image: Kimsooja’s self-reflective installations take over the French city of Poitiers" - Wallpaper, October 2019
  • Emma, Lavigne (Cur.), Emmanuelle, de Montgazon (Cur.) : "Encounter with a City - Traversžes Kimsooja" - Exhibition Catalogue published by Silvana Editoriale, 2019, pp. 15-19
  • Agnes, Berecz (Ed.) : "2000 : Kimsooja Bottari Truck" - 100 Years 100 Artworks, A History of Modern and Contemporary Art published by Prestel, 2019, p.172-173
  • Rebecca, Morill (Ed.) : "Kimsooja" - Great Women Artists published by Phaidon, 2019, p. 216
  • Valžrie, Duponchelle : "Quand lõart fluide de Kimsooja traverse Poitiers" - Le Figaro, December 25, 2019, p. 22
  • Emmanuelle, Lequeux : "Avec Kimsooja, Poitiers se laisse traverser par lõart contemporain" - Le Monde, December 24, 2019
  • Andy, Saint Louis : "Mirror Image" - Wallpaper, November 2019, pp. 153 - 156
  • Moon, So-Young : "Transforming a city's memories" - Korea Joongang Daily, October 23, 2019, p.6
  • "H - Habseliges Staunen, Kimsooja" - Kunstforum International Bd. 259, March-April 2019
  • Hanru, Hou (Cur.) : "The Street. Where the World is Made" - Exhibition Catalogue published by Quodlibet, 2018, vol 2 pp 423 - 424, 433 - 434, 439
  • Meyer-Stoll, Christiane (Ed.) : "Kimsooja: Interviews and Works" - Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018
  • Hwang, In : "Sewing into Walking, an interview from 1994" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 15 - 18
  • Park, Young Taik : "From Plane to Three Dimensions: A Bundle, an interview from 1996" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 20 - 26
  • Obrist, Hans Ulrich : "Wrapping Bodies and Souls, an interview from 1997" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 28 - 33
  • Obrist, Hans Ulrich : "Nothing is In-Between, an interview from 1998" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 35 - 39
  • Matt, Gerald : "A Meditation on Art and Life, an interview from 2002" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 41 - 54
  • Jacob, Mary Jane : "Essential Empathy, an interview from 2002 and 2003" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 56 - 61
  • Bourriaud, Nicolas : "Eastern and Western Thinking, an interview from 2003" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 63 - 68
  • Santori, Flaminia Gennari : "The Impermanence of Existence, an interview from 2003" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 70 - 73
  • Sand, Olivia : "Artists Can Set Things in Motion, an interview from 2006" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 75 - 80
  • Kapš, Petra : "A One-word Name is an Anarchist’s Name, an interview from 2006" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 82 - 89
  • Rubio, Oliva María : "Breathing and Mirroring, an interview from 2006" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 91 - 98
  • Pasini, Francesca : "Wrapping as Three-dimensional Sewing, an interview from 2006" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 100 - 103
  • Gordon, Barbara Kelly : "A Laundry Woman, an interview from 2008" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 105 - 109
  • Kim, Sunjung : "My Body as a Tool, an interview from 2008" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 111 - 116
  • Ryu, Byoung Hak : "To Be Born, Love, Suffer and Die, an interview from 2010" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 118 - 126
  • Zoller, Maxa : "Woman/Needle, an interview from 2010" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 128 - 139
  • Maerkle, Andrew : "Points of Convergence, an interview from 2011" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 141 - 149
  • Giovando, Chiara : "The Unaltered Reality of the World, an interview from 2012" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 151 - 154
  • Gautherot, Franck : "A Place to Be, an interview from 2013" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 156 - 164
  • Augaitis, Daina : "Ways of Being, an interview from 2013" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 166 - 180
  • Loocke, Thomas Van : "In Response to Violence and Inhumanity, an interview from 2015" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 182 - 185
  • Sans, Jérôme : "A Journey through Immobility, an interview from 2017" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 187 - 192
  • Hanru, Hou : "Create a New Light, an interview from 2017" - Kimsooja: Interviews, Exhibition Catalogue published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König in association with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018, pp 194 - 207
  • Sand, Olivia : "Contemporary Voices from the Asian and Islamic Art Worlds" - Published by Skira, 2018, pp 322 - 329
  • Sollins, Susan : "Being an Artist: Artist Interviews with Art 21" - Published by Art21, 2018, pp 55 - 59
  • Mendolicchio, Herman Bashiron : "Walking. The creative and mindful space between one step and another." - Interartive, Online Art Publication, 2018
  • Lescaze, Zoë : "13 Artists On: Immigration" - T, New York Times Style Magazine, June 2018
  • Rmandic, Dunja : "Gestures of the possible?: Kimsooja’s ‘Zone of Nowhere’ at PICA" - Art Monthly, Online Art Publication, April 2018
  • Coram, Melanie : "Life, times unwrapped" - The West Australian, February 2018
  • "Create a New Light: A Conversation between Kimsooja and Hou Hanru, 2017" - Kimsooja: Archive of Mind, Exhibition Catalogue published by National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, 2017
  • Madoff, Steven Henry : "The Task of Being-Together" - Kimsooja: Archive of Mind, Exhibition Catalogue published by National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, 2017
  • Kim, Sung Won : "Archetype of Mind" - Kimsooja: Archive of Mind, Exhibition Catalogue published by National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, 2017
  • Suh, Younghee : "Geometry of Mind and of Body" - Kimsooja: Archive of Mind, Exhibition Catalogue published by National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, 2017
  • "Artists’ Artists: Kimsooja" - Frieze Masters, Art Magazine #Issue 6, October 2017
  • "ANTIDORON. The EMST Collection" - Exhibition Catalogue published by EMST in association with documenta 14, 2017, pp. 96 - 97
  • D’Acosta, Sema : "Concordia" - Kimsooja: To Breathe - Zone of Zero, Exhibition Catalogue published by CAC Malaga, 2016
  • Tsai, Sylvia : "'Weaving & We' Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art and Parallel Events" - Asia Art Pacific, Online Art Publication, October 14, 2016
  • So-young, Moon : "'Kimsooja works to Connect Dots" - Korea Joongang Daily, Online Publication, July 28, 2016
  • Van de Ende, Elaine : "Kimsooja weeft de wereld in CC Strombeek" - Magazine H Art, Monthly Art Publication, December 15, 2016
  • Dubois, Colette : "Kimsooja: Weaving the World" - Flux News, Online Art Publication, December 17, 2016
  • Van Den Ende, Elaine : "Kimsooja Maakt Een Monument Voor De Slachtoffers Van Brussel" - H Art, Online Art Publication, November 24, 2016
  • Art September 2016, Monthly Art Magazine, September 2016, pp. 50 - 53
  • "Interview with Kimsooja" - Neighbor, International Art Design and Style Magazine, September 2016
  • Rinder, Lawrence : "Architecture of Life" - Exhibition Catalogue published by University of California, Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive, 2016
  • Turner, Caroline and Jen Webb : "Art and Human Rights: Contemporary Asian Contexts" - Published by Manchester University Press, 2016, pp. 75, 115 - 120
  • "Remember Licide" - Exhibition Catalogue published by Städtische Galerie, Nordhorn, 2016
  • "Bharti Keher: Matter" - Exhibition Catalogue published by the Vancouver Art Gallery, and Black Dog Publishing, 2016, p. 111
  • "Kimsooja - To Breathe" - Exhibition Catalogue and DVD published by Centre Pompidou Metz and Apres Editions, 2016
  • "Materiality and Immateriality Viewed Through Duality" - Space, Monthly Architecture Magazine, 50th Anniversary Issue, 2016
  • "Heimat - Identifikation Im Wandel" - Curated by Christiane Erdmann and Stefanie Blumenbecker, Exhibition Catalogue published by Künstlerverein Walkmühle, 2016
  • "Pasión: Colección Carmen Riera" - Exhibition Catalogue published by Ayuntamiento de Málaga, 2016
  • Dogramaci, Burcu - "Heimat: Eine Künstlerische Spurensuche" - Published by Böhlau Wien Köln Weimar, 2015
  • "Art_Textiles" - Exhibition Catalogue published by The Whitworth, The University of Manchester, 2015
  • Lagdameo, Jennifer Baum - "Korean Artist Kimsooja Breathes Life (and Light) into the Centre Pompidou-Metz" - Artsy, Online Art Publication, November 9, 2015
  • Nathan, Emily - "Kimsooja Harnesses Light and Color at Centre Pompidou Metz" - Artnet, Online Art Publication, November 26, 2015
  • Van Loocke, Thomas - "Kimsooja 'To Breathe' in Centre Pompidou Metz" - Art Dependence Magazine, Online Art Publication, December 15, 2015
  • "Nada Temas, Dice Ella: Fear Nothing She Says" - Exhibition Catalogue published by Acción Cultural Española, AC/E Ediciones Anómalas, 2015
  • Lagnado, Lisette and other authors - "Exhibition Histories: Cultural Anthropophagy, The 24th Bienal de Sao Paulo 1998" - Published by Afterall Books, 2015
  • "Aus Der Sammlung" - Published by Kunstmuseum Liechtensteint, 2015
  • "Proportio" - Curated by Daniela Ferretti and Axel Vervoordt, Exhibition catalogue, published by Axel & May Vervoordt Foundation in association with MER. Paper Kunsthalle, Ghent (BE), 2015
  • Bellet, Harry - "Art Basel - Review" - The Guardian, Online Publication, July 3, 2015
  • Breerette, Genevieve - "La Biennale de Venise Féminise la Création" - M Culture, Online Publication, June 13, 2015
  • Ko, Hanae - "Kimsooja Wins Samsung's Ho-Am Prize for the Arts" - Asia Art Pacific, Online Art Publication, June 9, 2015
  • Van Den Ende, Elaine - "Kimsooja Sets Weaving Exhibition at Axel Vervoordt" - H Art, Art Magazine, Issue #142, June 2015, p. 22
  • "Land Sea Sky: Revisiting Spatiality in Video Art" - Exhibition Catalogue published by Media Art Asia Pacific, 2015, pp. 22 - 23
  • Chong, Jaeho - "An Architecture of Gaze" - Space, Monthly architecture magazine, Issue 566, January 2015, pp. 116 - 118
  • Heine, Stefanie - "Breathing Machines: Inspiration and Interdependence in Contemporary Art Installations" - Die Kunst der Rezeption, published by Aisthesis Verlag Bielefeld, 2015, pp. 72 - 85
  • Quinlivan, Davina - "The Place of Breath in Cinema" - published by Edinburgh University Press pp. 15 - 17, 25
  • Lee, Jun-kwang - "Celadon: Colored by Nature" - Leeum 10th Anniversary Exhibition: Beyond and Between, Exhibition catalogue, published by Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, 2014, pp. 30 - 35
  • Karaim, Reed - "Mariposa Land Port of Entry" - Architect: The Magazine of the American Institute of Architects, Monthly architecture magazine, October 2014, pp. 160 - 169
  • Bui, Phong - "Experiments with Truth: Gandhi and Images of Nonviolence" - The Brooklyn Rail, Monthly art magazine, November 2014, p. 53
  • "Busan Biennale 2014 Main Exhibition: Inhabiting the World" - Curated by Sou Hyeun Kim, Exhibition catalogue, published by Busan Biennale Organizing Committee, Yeonje-Gu, Busan, 2014, pp. 76-77
  • "Water Light from Gangjeong" - Curated by Okreal Kim, Exhibition catalogue, published by Dalseong Cultural Foundation, 2014, pp. 8, 34-37, 106
  • Lee, Kenshu - "Voyage to Biennale: 50 Years of Korean Contemporary Art in Overseas Biennales" - Curated by Ken Shu Lee, Exhibition catalogue, published by Busan Biennale Organizing Committee, Yeonje-Gu, Busan, 2014, pp. 48-53
  • Helenstein, Josef and Joseph N. Newland - "Experiments with Truth: Gandhi and Images of Nonviolence" - The Menil Collection, Houston, Exhibition catalogue, published by The Menil Collection, Houston. Distributed by Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2014, pp. 233-235
  • "Nalens Oye: Samtidsbroderi - The Needle's Eye: Contemporary Embroidery" - Curated by Frode Sandvik, Anne Britt Ylvisaker, Anne Kjellberg, and Knut Astrup Bull, Exhibition catalogue, published by Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitekur og design and Kunstmuseenie i Bergen, 2014, p. 80
  • Quattrone, Raffaele - "In Itinere: Arte Contemporanea in Transformazione" - Published by EQUIPéCO, pp. 40, 122-123
  • Bisseling, Isabel, Dennis Bouma, Femke Hogendijk, Eveline Holsappel, Marie Stel, and Mirjam Westen - "Catalogus Threads Tentoonstelling" - Exhibition catalogue, published by Museum Arnhem, 2014, pp. 38-39
  • Romanow, Joanna Kleinberg - "Drawing Papers 188: Thread Lines" - Curated by Joanna Klienberg Romanow, Exhibition catalogue, published by Edward Hallam Tuck Publication Program, 2014, pp. 21, pl. 14
  • "The Unanswered Question. ikele2" - Curated by Rene Block, exhibition catalogue, published by TANAS in 2014
  • Babias, Marius, and Rene Block - "The Unanswered Question. Iskele2" - exhibition catalogue, published by N.B.K., 2014, p. 210
  • Jetzer, Gianni, and Chris Sharp - "Le Mouvement Performing the City: 12th Swiss Sculpture Exhibition ESS-SPA Biel/Bienne" - exhibition catalogue, published by DISTANZ Verlag, 2014, pp. 258-259
  • Blood, Peggy and Lee Ransaw - "Below the Surface: Ethnic Echoes in America's Modern and Contemporary Art" - published by Kendall Hunt Publishing, August 2014, pp. 21 - 30
  • Jacob, Mary Jane, David Morgan, Diana Augaitis, and Kimsooja - "Kimsooja: Unfolding" - exhibition catalogue, published by Hatje Cantz, February 2014
  • Laurence, Robin - "Kimsooja" - Border Crossing, Art Magazine, 2014, pp. 92 - 93
  • Kim, Seungduk - "Centripetal Acceleration" - Kimsooja, To Breathe: Bottari, Exhibition Catalogue published by Les Presses Du Reel in association with the Korean Pavilion at the 55th Venice Biennale, 2013
  • Gautherot, Franck - "A Place to Be—A Conversation with Kimsooja" - Kimsooja, To Breathe: Bottari, Exhibition Catalogue published by Les Presses Du Reel in association with the Korean Pavilion at the 55th Venice Biennale, 2013
  • Suh, Young-Hee - "Contemplating a System of Horizontals and Verticals" - KIMSOOJA Unfolding, Exhibition Catalogue published by Hatje Cantz Verlag in association with Vancouver Art Gallery, 2013
  • Wendt, Selene - "Sewing into Life" - KIMSOOJA Unfolding, Exhibition Catalogue published by Hatje Cantz Verlag in association with Vancouver Art Gallery, 2013
  • "Kimsooja: Ways of Being, a conversation between Daina Augaitis and Kimsooja" - KIMSOOJA Unfolding, Exhibition Catalogue published by Hatje Cantz Verlag in association with Vancouver Art Gallery, 2013
  • Morgan, David - "Kimsooja and the Art of Place" - KIMSOOJA Unfolding, Exhibition Catalogue published by Hatje Cantz Verlag in association with Vancouver Art Gallery, 2013
  • Jacob, Mary Jane - "Essential Empathy" - KIMSOOJA Unfolding, Exhibition Catalogue published by Hatje Cantz Verlag in association with Vancouver Art Gallery, 2013
  • "Art Field: Viewable" - Art in Culture, Monthly art and culture magazine, February 2013, pp. 182
  • "2013 Korean Pavilion Kimsooja To Breathe: Bottari" - Art in Asia, Bimonthly art magazine, May/June 2013, pp. 38-54
  • Heartney, Eleanor - "A Needle Woman Connecting with the Universe" - Art in Asia, Bimonthly art magazine, May/June 2013, pp. 55-57
  • Byoung-hak, Ryu - "To be Born, Love Suffer and Die: Kimsooja Interview by Ryu Byoung-hak" - Art in Asia, Bimonthly art magazine, May/June 2013, pp. 58-61
  • Kim, Seungduk - "Like a Long Breath of Art: An Interview with Seungduk Kim" - Art in Asia, Bimonthly art magazine, May/June 2013, pp. 62- 68
  • Simon, Amy - "The 55th Venice Biennale" - LOFT the Scandinavian Bookazine, Quarterly magazine, Volume 2, 2013, pp. 29
  • Bodin, Claudia - "Die Welt in Venedig : Südkorea" - art das Kunstmagazin, Monthly German Art Magazine, Published by Gruner + Jahr AG & Co KG, Hamburg, Germany, 2013, pp. 39
  • Ko, Hanae - "A Pavilion Transformed" - ArtAsiaPacific Almanac 2013, ArtAsiaPacific Publishing LLC, New York 2013, Issue No. 83. pp. 94-99
  • "Special Feature - The Korean Pavilion - Kimsooja - To Breathe: Bottari" - Wolganmisool Inc., Monthly Art Magazine, July 2013, pp. 88-91
  • Ebony, David - "KIMSOOJA - Works and Process" - The Brooklyn Rail, Monthly Art Magazine, November 2013
  • "News Brief: Kimsooja Retrospective" - Asian Art News, Bimonthly art magazine, Volume 23 Number 6, November/December 2013, pp. 32
  • Pini, Francesca - "Nelle Segrete Stanze dei Padiglioni" - Sette, Weekly magazine, 2013, p. 44
  • Ko, Hanae - "Kimsooja: A Pavilion Transformed" - ArtAsiaPacific Almanac 2013, Bi-monthly art magazine, Issue 83, May - June 2013, p. 95
  • Kim, Jae-seok - "Preview: 55th La Biennale Di Venezia" - Art in Asia, Monthly art magazine, Published by ArtMediaArt, Seoul, 2013, with Support of Arts Council Korea, 2013, pp. 29-37
  • "2013 Korean Pavilion Kimsooja To Breathe: Bottari" - Art in Asia, Monthly art magazine, Published by ArtMediaArt Seoul, 2013, with Support of Arts Council Korea, 2013, pp. 38-68
  • "Korea: Bottari of Light, Covering the Whole Korean Pavilion" - Art in Asia, Monthly art magazine, 2013, pp. 68-69
  • Fisher, Jennifer and Jim Drobnick - "Exhibition Review: 55th Venice Biennale" - Journal of Curatorial Studies, Art magazine, Volume 3 Issue 1 February 2014, pp. 131-132
  • Chinnery, Colin - "Chine Japon Corée - Le conte de trois avant-gardes" - Art Now, Ongoing catalog of contemporary art, Published by Taschen, Germany, 2013, pp. 506-511
  • Seo, Jung-im - "Interview II: Seungduk Kim&Kimsooja. Korean Pavilion at the Venice Bienniale as a bottari" - Article, Monthly journal of contemporary art, Issue 19, 2013, pp.156-157
  • "Kimsooja" - 2013 California-Pacific Triennial - curated by Dan Cameron, DelMonico Books, Published by Prestel Publishing, 2013, pp. 106-109
  • Moszynska, Anna - "Sitings - Public Sculpture" - Sculpture Now, World of art series, Published by Thames & Hudson Ltd., London, 2013, pp. 200
  • "Viewable - Dongwook Kim The 55th Venice Biennale 2013" - Art in Culture, Monthly art magazine, 2013, pp. 200
  • "Kimsooja" - Art in Asia, Bi-monthly art magazine, Special Edition Issue 25, 2013. Published by ArtMediaArt, Seoul, 2013, with Support of Arts Council Korea, 2013, pp. 36-37
  • Mee-yoo, Kwon - "Kim Soo-ja to grace 2013 Venice Biennale" - Korea Times, Korean newspaper, January 2013
  • Woo-young, Lee - "Cloth Artworks to Represent Korea at Venice Biennale" - Korea Herald, Korean newspaper, January 2013
  • "Korea: Bottari of Light, Covering the Whole Korean Pavilion" - Art in Asia, Bimonthly art magazine, July/August 2013, pp. 68 - 69
  • Caputo, Francesca - "To Breathe: Bottari. Un Caleidoscopi Spazio-Temporale" - Esporte, Quarterly art magazine, July 2013, pp. 96 - 99
  • Lee, Sohl - "An Anomaly in the Palace of Self-Worlds" - Space Magazine, Architecture magazine, August 2013.
  • Kee, Joan - "Contemporary Korean Art: Tansaekhwa and the Urgency of Method" - Published by the University of Minnesota Press, 2013, pp. 32, 282 - 286
  • Buffet, Laurent - "Discordances, debordements, interruptions: l'art de rompre les rythmes et d'enrayer les flux" - Art et ville Contemprarine: Rythmes et flux, Published by Pub De L'Universite de St Etienne, 2013, pp. 32 - 36
  • Maiko, Hara - "Kimsooja" - Women In-Between: Asian Woman Artists 1984-2012, Exhibition Catalogue, Published by Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Japan, 2012, pp. 126-127
  • Hou, Hanru - "Zizhiqu (Autonomous Regions), Strategies of Self-made Spatial Production in the Age of Revolt, Insurgency and Occupation" - Zizhiqu, Autonomous Regions, Exhibition Catalogue, Published by Guangzhou Times Museum, 2012, pp. 18-19, 136-137
  • Van Tomme, Niels - "Where Do We Migrate To?" - Where Do We Migrate To?, Exhibition Catalogue, Published by The Center For Art, Design and Visual Culture, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 2012, pp. 18-19, 11-18
  • Malsch, Friedemann - "Korean Artists Today 101: Kimsooja" - Art in Asia, Monthly art magazine, Published by ArtMediaArt, Seoul, 2012, with Support of Arts Council Korea, 2012, pp. 36-37
  • Quattrone, Raffaele - "Modernity and Art Field: What Will be After Society?" - Equipeco, Quarterly Italian art magazine, Issue 33, 2012, pp. 30-35
  • Kim, Miki Wick - "Kimsooja" - Korean Contemporary Art, Published by Prestel Publishing, 2012, pp. 106-109
  • Dalida, Maria Benfield - "Kimsooja, The Performance of Universality" - Art and Social Justice Education, Culture as Commons, Published by Routledge, New York, 2012, pp. 12, 51, 62-64, 188
  • Quan, Enyong - "Cultural Identity in Korean Contemporary Installation Art" - China National Fine Arts, Monthly Art Magazine, 2012, pp. 146-149
  • Jin, Whui-yeon - "Bespeaking History and Reality" - Coexisting Differences, Women Artists in Contemporary Korean Art, Published by Arts Council Korea and Hollym International, USA, 2012, pp. 34-47
  • Mello, Laeticia - "The Pilgrimage of Our Own Existance" - Art Al limite, Monthly Art Magazine, Published by Arte Al Limite, Chile, 2012, pp. 30-38
  • Meyer-Stoll, Christiane (Ed.) - "Kimsooja" - Parabol, the in transit issue, Curated Art Magazine, Austria, 2012, pp. 30-33
  • Fabre, Alexia - "Parcours #5 De La Collection MAC/VAL" - Vivement Demain, Published by MAC/VAL, France, 2012, pp. 74-75
  • Hamon, Christel (Ed.) - "Mixite, metissage et Confrontation, Loeuvre et le Monde" - Arts Plastiques, Published by Centre National d'Enseignement a Distance, France, 2012, pp. 94-95
  • Lee, Sook Jin - "Life Woven by Breathe, Our Body is A Weaving Factory" - Joongang Sunday, Weekly culture magazine, Sept 2, 2012, pp. 16-19
  • Choi, YoonJung - "Kimsooja's , Sacred Ritual" - Exhibition Catalogue published by Daegu Art Museum, Korea, 2011
  • Lee, JinKyung - "Nomadism: Elements of Nomadic Life and Art" - Exhibition Catalogue published by Daegu Art Museum, Korea, 2011
  • Bak, SangHwan - "Cultural Memory, Cultural Archetype and Communication" - Exhibition Catalogue published by Daegu Art Museum, Korea, 2011
  • Yang, HoeSeok - "Shamanism as an Archetype of East Asian Culture" - Exhibition Catalogue published by Daegu Art Museum, Korea, 2011
  • Choi, YoonJung - "Interview with Kimsooja" - Exhibition Catalogue published by Daegu Art Museum, Korea, 2011
  • Young, Hee Suh - "Kimsooja: Contemplation on top of the Horizontal and Vertical System"
  • Bloemheuvel, Marente and van Kooten, Toos (curators) - "Wind Flower, Perceptions of Nature" - Published by Kroeller-Muller Museum, Germany, October 2011, pp. 11
  • Clark, Robin (Ed.) and Davies, Hugh M (forward) - "Phenomenal: California Light, Space, Surface (catalogue for the exhibition)" - Published by University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, September 2011, pp. 74
  • Robinne, Gregoire (Ed.) - "FIAC Aux Tuilleries" - Published by Editions Dilecta, Paris 2011, pp. 34
  • Jourdain, Beatrice and Lambouche, Anne-Isabelle - "FIAC 2011 Grand Palais et Cour Carree du Louvre Catalogue" - Published by Reed Expositions, Paris, November 2011, pp. 381
  • Nincs, Anne-Marie (Ed.) - "Wanting to See Lucidity Inward Views (catalogue for Le Mois de la Photo a Montreal 2011" - Published by Le Mois de la Photo a Montreal 2011, pp. 28-33, 196, 209, 266, 278, 323
  • "Korea Media Art: Sixth Sense Massage (catalogue for the exhibition)" - Published by Nabi Press 2011, pp. 174-193
  • "Investigations of a Dog" - Published by, August 24, 2011
  • Pohl, John. 3-D Experience is Really Unreal - "The Gazette, Montreal. September 3, 2011"
  • Carasin, Chiara (Ed.) - "Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa 2002>2010" - Published by Comune di Venezia, Mousse Publishing, Italy 2011, pp. 256, 257
  • Carasin, Chiara - "BLM from Project to Reality" - Foundazione Bevilacqua La Masa 2002>2010 Published by Comune di Venezia, Mousse Publishing, Italy 2011, pp. 52, 53
  • Vettese, Angela - "Not A Place But A System - Foundazione Bevilacqua La Masa 2002>2010 " - Published by Comune di Venezia, Mousse Publishing, Italy 2011, pp. 62,63
  • Kim, Youngna - "Needle Woman, Kimsooja, Korean Artists Today" - Published by Arts Council Korea, Korea, June 2011, pp. 218-225
  • Perec, Georges - "Question that which has Forever Ceased to Amaze Us" - Published by Corraini Edizioni, Italy, May 2011, Terre Vulnerabili A Growing Exhibition (catalogue for the exhibition)
  • Flay, Jennifer. Jourdain, Beatrice. Lamouche, Anne-Isabelle - "Grand Palais et Carree du Louvre FIAC 2011, Catalogue" - Published by Reed Expositions, Paris, November 2011
  • Etgar, Raphie (Cur.), Ofir, Einat (Ed.), Westend - "Catalogue for the Exhibition at Museum on The Seam" - Published by Keter Press Enterprises, Jerusalem 2011, pp. 132-137
  • Gruson, Luc (Dir.) - "La Collection d'art Contemporain" - Published by Montag, Paris, 2011, Catalogue for the Exhibition, J'ai Deux Amours, at La Cite nationale de l'histoire de l'immigrationpp, pp. 76, 77
  • Golinski, Hans Gunter - "Spurensuche" - Published by Kunstmuseum Bochum, 2011, Buddhas Spur, Zeitgenossische Kunst aus AsienCatalogue for the exhibition at Kunstmuseum Bochum, pp. 15, 100-103, 173
  • Baumstark, Brigitte - "Uberlegungen Zum Thema Kunst-Stoff, Catalogue for the exhibition at Stadtische Galerie Karlsruhe" - Published by Stadtische Galerie Karlsruhe 2011, pp. 42, 43
  • Yoon, Eui Hyang - "A Study on the Femininity and Cultural Identity in Kimsooja’s Works" - MA Thesis for Dept of Fine Arts at Hongik University, Seoul, Korea, June 2011
  • Ahn Soyeon - "Contemplation on the Origin of Life" - Monthly Art Magazine, February 2010
  • Kim, Sung-Won - "About Nothingness: being nothing and making nothing"
  • Rubio, Oliva Maria - "Tierra - Agua - Fuego - Air/Earth - Water - Fire - Air" - Published by Nation Museum of Contemporary Art Korea and KAN Co., 2010, pp. 8 - 13
  • Finessi, Beppe (editor) - "Inventario: Everything Is A Project" - Maurizio Corraini Srl, Milan 2010, pp. 19
  • Kim, Youngna - "Construction and Deconstruction of the Myth: Four Contemporary Korean Woman Artists" - Yegyeong, Korea, March 2010, 20th Century Korean Art 2: A Period of Change and Challenge. pp. 268-271
  • Jacob, Mary Jane and Grabner Michelle - "The Studio Reader" - University of Chicago Press, USA 2010, pp. 86, 87
  • Ryu, Byoung-hak - "Special Interview: Kimsooja" - aMart Publications, Art in Culture, February 2010, pp. Cover, 30, 126-137
  • Ahn, Soyeon - "Artist Review: Kimsooja" - Wolganmisool Inc., Monthly Art Magazine, February 2010, pp. 26, 28, 96-105
  • Tae-woo, Hur - "Co-existing: Kimsooja" - Asiana Airlines, Korea, Asiana CultureStyleView, February 2010, pp. cover, 1-3
  • Hegyi, Lorand - "Isole mai trovate (Islands Never Found)" - Silvana Editoriale, Italy 2010, pp. 92, 93
  • Auther, Elissa - "String, Felt, Thread: The Hierarchy of Art and Craft in American Art" - University of Minnesota 2010, Conclusion, Fiber, Craft, and Contemporary Art, pp. 163, 166, 169, 172
  • Havilah, Lisa - "Edge of Elsewhere" - Campbelltown Arts Centre, Australia, January 2010, pp. 125-131, 139
  • Kim, Kyung - "Harper's Bazaar Talk" - The Hearst Company, NY, USA, February 2010, Harper's Bazaar, pp. 139-141
  • Toyoda, Keiko - "Art Tells the Times: Works by Women Artists" - Shiseido Gallery, Japan 2010, pp. 13, 14
  • Lee, Joon; Kim, Bong-ryol; Ahn, Sang-soo; Yim, Seock-jae; Choi, Joon-sik; Lee, Dae-hyung; Rajchman, John - "Yeobaek (Korean Beauty)" - Korean Culture and Information Service, Korea, October 2010, pp. 36, 37, 245
  • Yoonjo, Kam (chief curator) - "Rainbow Asia: Pearl of the World, East Asia Art Exhibtion" - Seoul Arts Center, Korea, November 2010, pp. 94-97
  • Coppard, Abbie (editor) - "GSK Contemporary Aware Arts Fashion Identity" - Damiani Editore, Bologna, Italy, November 2010, pp. 94-97
  • Park, Hye-Jun - "L'Art Conceptuel En Coree Du Sud D'Aujourd'hui" - Universite Paris-Sorbonne, Paris 2010, pp. 4
  • Brochard, Ingrid (ed.). - "A House Is Not A Home, catalogue for the exhibition" - Published by Editions Be Contemporary, Paris, 2009, pp. 62, 63.
  • Ahmady, Leeza - "Art Asia, International Asian Contemporary Art, Truly Truthful Exhibition" - Art Asia LLC, December 2009, pp. 24, 25
  • Zacharopoulou, Katerina - "For The Things Missing" - Agra, Greece, 2009, Era of Images, pp. 29-44
  • Wookee, Jhin - "Spreading Out the Bottari to Embrace the Whole World, Buddhism and Culture" - Korean Buddhism Promotion Foundation, Korea, 2009, pp. 53-57
  • Molok, Nikolai - "Against Exclusion, 3 Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art 2009" - The Moscow Biennale Art Foundation, 2009, pp. 106, 107
  • Zelevansky, Lynn (article by Starkman, Christine) - "Your Bright Future: 12 Contemporary Artists From Korea" - MOFAH and Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, USA, 2009, Longing for Places Everywhere, pp. 10, 41, 42, 51-55, 122-129
  • Ditner, Judy - "Dress Codes, The Third ICP Triennial of Photography and Video" - ICP, New York, USA, 2009, pp. 92-95
  • Burke, Gregory - "Universal Code, Art and Cosmology in the Information Age" - The Power Plant, Toronto, 2009, pp. 22, 110, 111, 128
  • Hegyi, Lorand (curator) - "Essential Experiences" - RISO, Museo d'art Contemporanea, Electa, Italy, 2009, pp. 26-29, 118, 119
  • Lambron, Marc - "A House is Not a Home" - KD Presse, Paris, 2009, pp. 33, 62, 63
  • Guzman, Kristine - "Mi Vida: From Heaven To Hell. Life Experiences in Art From MUSAC Collection" - Mucsarnok/MUSAC, Budapest, 2009, pp. 11, 78-81
  • Sollins, Susan - "Art 21: Art in the Twenty-First Century (Television series companying book)" - Studley Press, MA, USA, October 2009, pp. 11, 132-145
  • Hideki, Nakamura - "The 4th Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale 2009 (Exhibition Catalogue)" - Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Japan, September 2009, pp. 36, 37, 139, 140, 176
  • Durand - Labayle, Valerie - "Parcours 3, 2009-2010 Je Reviendrai (Exhibition Catalogue)" - MAC/VAL, France, March 2009, pp. 8, 12, 156-159
  • Ferrando, Laura - "5a Bienal Internacional de Arte Textil (Exhibition Catalogue)" - Buenos Aires, April 2009, pp. 30, 31
  • Weir, Kathryn - "The View From Elsewhere (Exhibition Catalogue)" - Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation, March 2009, pp. 12, 13, 26, 86
  • Hegyi, Lorand - "Fragile Fields of Empathy (Exhibition Catalogue)" - Skira, Italy, May 2009, pp. 84
  • Vinken, Barbara - "Das Untragbare Kleid" - Kunstforum International, Germany, June-July 2009, pp. 281
  • Malsch, Friedemann - "Dynamic Eye 101 Faces of Korean Art Today, Art in Asia" - ArtMediaArt Inc., Korea, July-August 2009, pp. 49
  • Vervoordt, Axel (editor) - "In-Finitum" - Verevoordt Foundation, in assoc. with MER, Paper Kunsthalle, Ghent, 2009, pp. 69, 94
  • Kim, Sae-Mi - "Special Feature, Top 100 Asian Artists" - Art in Asia, Published by ArtMediaArt Inc, The Republic of Korea 2009. pp 44
  • Masters, H. G. & Ng, Elaine W. - "Five Artists for 2008" - ArtAsiaPacific Almanac 2009, ArtAsiaPacific Publishing LLC, New York 2009, pp 89, 95, 118, 120, 156
  • Bourgeois, Caroline - "Un Certain Etat Du Monde?" - A Selection of Works From The Francois Pinault Foundation, Published in Milan: Skira Editore 2009, pp. 114-115
  • Larsen, Lars Bang - "11th Cairo Biennale & PhotoCairo4" - Frieze, Published in England: Frieze Publishing Ltd. April 2009, pp. 111
  • Becker, Carol - "Walking, Standing, Sitting Like a Duck: Three Instances of Invasive, Reparative Behavior" - Congregation, Published by Routledge, September 2008, Volume 13. No. 3, pp. 139-145
  • Jacob, Mary Jane - Knockin' on Heaven’s Door, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Published by Autoren and Kunstmuseum, Liechtenstein 2008, pp. 21 & 23
  • Verhagen, Marcus - "Slow Time" - Art Monthly, Published by Britannia Art Publications Ltd, London, July-August 2008, pp.9-12
  • Vervoordt, Axel - "Academia, Qui es-tu?" - MER Paper Kunsthalle, Published by Axel Vervoordt in association with MER Paper Kunsthalle, Ghent 2008, plates 92, 93. & page 88
  • Herkenhoff, Paulo - "Kimsooja, A Needle Woman in Rio de Janeiro: History of the eye" - Atlas Américas, Published by Contracapa, Rio de Janeiro 2008, pp.73-78 & 130-132
  • Yee, Lydia - "Two-way Street, Performance" - Street Art Street Life, From the 1950s to Now, Published by Aperture Foundation, New York, 2008, pp. 76, 77, 108
  • Beccaria, Marcella - "Kimsooja" - The Castle The Collection, Published by Skira Editore 2008, pp. 310, 311
  • Goodman, Jonathan - "Asian Dub Photography" - Archivio Art Fondazione, Published by Skira Editore, Italy 2008, pp. 76-81 & 208-210
  • "Year of the Asian Biennales, Gwangju Biennale 2008" - Wolganmisool Magazine, Wolganmisool Publishing. October 2008, pp. 118-119 & 140-141
  • Lee, Joon - "Void in Korea" - Art in Asia, Published by AMart Inc, Republic of Korea. January/February 2008
  • Becker, Carol - "Walking, Standing, Sitting Like a Duck" - Congregation, Performance Research, Published by Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd. September 2008, pp. 142-143
  • Shin, Misa - "Chapter II The Working Method of the Art World" - The Art Industry, In Search of the Ultimate Commodity, Bigaku Shuppan, Tokyo 2008, pp. 23-34
  • "Micro-Narratives- Temptation of Small Realities" - Catalogue for the exhibition at the Musee d'Art Moderne, Published in Milan: Skira Editore 2008, pp. 114-115
  • Heartney, Eleanor - Art & Today, Published in London: Phaidon. 2008, pp. 314-319
  • Genocchio, Benjamin - "A Walk on the Wild Side, And Then Some" - The New York Times, New York, February 10, 2008
  • Ludwig, Traci Dutton - "Art and the mirrored self" - The Scarsdale Inquirer, New York, February 8, 2008, pp. 17-18
  • Michael, Douglas - "Neuberger exhibit explores modern city life" - The Record-Review, New York, February 1, 2008, pp. 19
  • Gouveia, Georgette - "The Moment becomes Art" - The Journal News, New York, January 20, 2008, pp. 1E, 6E
  • Gouveia, Georgette - "People-watching as art form" - The Journal News, New York, February 21, 2008, pp. 1D-2D
  • "Self / Other" - Catalogue for the exhibition at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Published in Tokyo: National Museum of Modern Art, 2008, pp. 44-45
  • Sand, Olivia - Re-Imagining Asia: A Thousand Years of Separation, Published in London: Saqi. 2008, pp.230-233
  • Jacob, M.J. - "Kimsooja" - Erranti / Wanderers: nella videoarte contemporarea / in contemporary video art, Catalogue for the exhibition at the Magazzini del Sale, published in Milan: Silvana Editoriale Spa, 2008, pp. 120-125
  • Morgan, Robert C - "Survey" - Tema Celeste, Volume 125 January – February 2008, p.28
  • Lee, Kyu Hyon - "Unforgettable Artist Unforgettable Building" - Chosun Daily News, Culture, Seoul, January 15, 2008
  • Chadwick, Whitney - "Worlds Together, Worlds Apart" - Women, Art, and Society, Fourth Edition, Published in London: Thames & Hudson Ltd. 2007, pp. 462-463, 485-486 and cover
  • Pollack, Barbara - "Kimsooja: Wrapping the World" - Art News, February 2007, pp.120-123
  • Smith, Roberta - "Blurring Time and Place in Venice" - The New York Times, New York, August 15, 2007, pp.E1 & E5
  • Godfrey, Mark - "Out of the Past" - ArtForum, September 2007, pp.398-401
  • Morgan, Robert C - "Artempo: Where Time Becomes Art" - The Brooklyn Rail, New York, July / August 2007, p.29
  • Reindl, Uta M - "Kimsooja Mumbai A Laundry Field" - Kunstforum International, Berlin, June-July 2007
  • Vervoordt, Axel & Mattijs Visser - "Artempo: Where Time Becomes Art" - Catalogue for the exhibition at Palazzo Fortuny, published in Ghent: Axel Vervoordt in association with Mer. Paper Kunsthalle. 2007
  • Kee, Joan - "What is Feminist About Contemporary Asian Women’s Art?" - GlobalFeminisms, New Directions in Contemporary Art, Catalogue for the exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum published in New York; Merrell 2007, pp.113-114
  • Morgan, Robert - Art Into Ideas, published in Korea: JRM 2007, p.244 and cover
  • Bourgeois, Caroline - "Kimsooja" - Passage Du Temps Collection Francois Pinault Foundation, Catalogue for the exhibition at Tri Postal. Published in Milan: Skira Editore 2007, pp.136-137
  • Szeeman, Harald - "Kimsooja" - Scenes and Sequences, Catalogue for the exhibition at Aargauer Kunsthaus Aarau published in Aarau: Künster und Autoren 2007, pp.118-121
  • Meyer-Stoll, Christiane - "Kimsooja" - Auszeit, Kunst und Nachhaltigkeit, Catalogue for the exhibition at Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein published in Germany: Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg 2007, pp.154-159
  • Vozmediano, Elena - "Kimsooja Vision fugaz" - El Cultural, Madrid, May 17, 2007, p.35
  • Drobnick, Jim - "Kimsooja: Electric Chants" - Listening Awry, Catalogue for the exhibition at McMaster Museum of Art, published in Hamilton: McMaster Museum of Art, 2007, pp.15-20
  • Dewan, Deepali - "Post Object: Reconsidering the Object in Contemporary Art Practice" - Post Object, Catalogue for the exhibition at the Doris McCarthy Gallery, published in Toronto: Doris McCarthy Gallery, University of Toronto Scarborough 2007, pp14-16,18
  • Hoegsberg, Milena - "Kimsoooja" - Manifesting Emptiness, Catalogue from the exhibition at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago published in Chicago: SAIC 2007, p.7
  • Chantala, Francois - "The Origins of the collection: Kimsooja, Alighiero Boetti, Beitriz Milhazes" - Monsoon Art Collection, Catalogue published in London: Monsoon Collection 2007, p.22
  • "Kimsooja" - Tina B, Catalogue from the Prague Contemporary Art Festival published in Prague: Vernon Fine Art Int. spol. s.r.o. 2007, pp.34-35
  • Adolphs, Volker - "Passages and Places – The City" - Going Staying, Catalogue from the exhibition at Kuntmuseum Bonn published in Bonn: Herausgegben vom 2007, pp.106-111
  • Busto, Andrea - Il Velo, Catalogue published in Milan: Silvana Editoriale Spa 2007, p.151
  • Smith, Trevor - "Kimsooja: Sewing Into Walking Kyungju" - CIGE 2007 – Special Exhibition, Catalogue for the exhibition Memories on E-Motion, publishedin Beijing: Wang Yihan 2007, pp.4-16
  • Hallmark, Kara Kelley - "Kimsooja" - Encyclopedia of Asian American Artists, published in Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 2007, pp.205-208
  • Drobnick, Jim - "Kimsooja" - Equatorial Rhythms, Catalogue for the exhibition atThe Stenersen Museum published in Oslo: Du store verden! 2007, pp.50-55
  • San Perdro, Abraham - "Kimsooja el viaje interior (global)" - Belio, Volume 24. pp.45-50
  • Lee Joon - Void in Korean Art, Catalogue from the exhibition at the Leeum Museumpublished in Korea: Leeum 2007, pp.59-60
  • Guenin, Hélene - "Kimsooja" - A L’Horizon De Shangri-La, Catalogue for theexhibition at Frac Lorraine published in Lorraine: Frac Lorraine 2007, pp.28-31
  • Giovannotti, Micaela - "Witnessing The Moment" - The Prague Contemporary Art Festival, Catalogue published in Prague :Tina B 2007, pp.34-35
  • Kölbl, Alois - "Crossing Cultures: Gestures of Infinity" - Globus, March 2007, p.3
  • Smith, Trevor - "Where I Work Kimsooja" - Art Asia Pacific, September – October 2007, p.188
  • Scheuermann - "Von Barbara, Die Wäscher von Mumbai" - Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, August 2 2007
  • Vergine, Lea - "When Trash Becomes Art" - Skira Editorie, Published in Milan: Skira Editorie S.p.A. 2007, p.9
  • Von Drathen, Doris - "Concrete Metaphysics" - Kimsooja, Catalogue from the SoloExhibition at Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall, Stockholm, published inStockholm: Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall, 2006, pp.31-41
  • Praun, Tessa - "South Korea vs. New York – Living with Two Cultures" - Kimsooja, Catalogue from the Solo Exhibition at Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall,Sweden, published in Stockholm: Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall, 2006, pp.13-22
  • Rubio, Oliva María - "Kimsooja: Less is More" - Kimsooja To Breathe-A Mirror Woman, Catalogue from the Exhibition at the Palacio de Cristal, Parquedel Retiro, Madrid, published in Madrid: Museo Nacional Centro de ArteReina Sofía, 2006
  • Vettese, Angela - "To Breathe" - Kimsooja, To Breathe, Catalogue from theExhibition at the La Fenice Opera Theater and Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, Venice, published in Milian: Carta, 2006, pp.24-29
  • Pasini, Francesca - "Making Space" - Kimsooja, To Breathe, Catalogue from theExhibition at the La Fenice Opera Theater and Bevilacqua La MasaFoundation, Venice, published in Milian: Carta, 2006, pp.30-43
  • Heartney, Eleanor - "Living in the Present, Connecting with the Universe" - Kimsooja, To Breathe, Kimsooja, Catalogue from the Exhibition at the LaFenice Opera Theater and Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, Venice,Milian: Carta, 2006, pp.46-55
  • Morgam, David - "The Discipline of Looking" - Kimsooja, To Breathe, Catalogue from the Exhibition at the La Fenice Opera Theater and Bevilacqua LaMasa Foundation, Venice, published in Milian: Carta, 2006, pp.56-69
  • Bourriaud, Nocolas - "Interview" - Kimsooja, To Breathe, Catalogue from theExhibition at the La Fenice Opera Theater and Bevilacqua La MasaFoundation, Venice, published in Milian: Carta, 2006, pp.70-79
  • Szeemann, Harald - "Excerpt" - Kimsooja, To Breathe, Catalogue from the Exhibition at the La Fenice Opera Theater and Bevilacqua La MasaFoundation, Venice, published in Milian: Carta, 2006, pp.80-84
  • Matt, Gerald - "Interview" - Kimsooja, To Breathe, Catalogue from the Exhibition atthe La Fenice Opera Theater and Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation,Venice, published in Milian: Carta, 2006, pp.84-111
  • Goodman, Jonathan - "Conditions of Anonymity" - Kimsooja, To Breathe, Catalogue from the Exhibition at the La Fenice Opera Theater and Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, Venice, published in Milian: Carta, 2006, pp.112-131
  • Nakamura, Keiji - "Kimsooja’s A Needle Woman" - Kimsooja, To Breathe, Catalogue from the Exhibition at the La Fenice Opera Theater and Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, Venice, published in Milian: Carta, 2006, pp.132-139
  • Kapš, Petra - "A One-Word Name is an Anarchist’s Name" - Likove Besede, Summer 2006, pp.75-76
  • Rubio, Oliva Maria - "Kimsooja" - ArteContexto, Volume Number 11, July 2006, pp.62-73
  • Sand, Olivia - "Kimsooja" - Asian Art Newspaper, May 2006, pp.2-6
  • Brown, Elizabeth - "Wow the Work of the Artist and the Art of the Work" - Curator, Volume 49 Number 3 July 2006, pp.287-294
  • Morgan, David - "Kimsooja and the Discipline of Looking" - Curator, Volume 49 Number 3 July 2006, pp.295-300
  • Pasini, Francesca - "Kimsooja" - Tema Celeste, Volume Number 116 July-August 2006, pp. 50-55
  • de Cecco, Emanuela - "Documenta 12 Magazine Project" - N. Paradoxa, Volume 17 2006, pp.55-56
  • Barrero, Manuela - "Kimsooja" - Exit Express, Summer 2006, p.20
  • De La Villa, Rocío - "Kimsooja A Través Del Espejo" - Culturas Madrid, 7 June 2006. p.21
  • Bomanowska, Marzena - "Wdech I Wydech" - Art Eon, June 2006, p.39
  • Serraller, F. Calvo - "Hatillo de Luces" - El Pais Madrid, 27 May 2006, p.27
  • Díaz-Guardiola, Javier - "Kimsooja: El Espejo Es Un Tejido Que Refleja Encuentros" - Artes Y Las Letras Madrid, May 2006, pp.32-35
  • Kim, Airyung - "Les Artistes Coréens en France" - Culture Coreenne, April 2006, pp.6-9
  • Hontoria, Javier - "Kimsooja, Siempre he Interpretado el Arte Como un Espejo" - El Cultural Madrid, 27 April 2006, pp.38-39
  • Cr. pp., Antonella - "Una Donna tutta Sola" - Flair, March 2006, p.302
  • Larson, Kay - "Keeping the Faith" - Art News, February 2006, pp.98-99
  • Rosenburg, Randy Jane - "The Missing Peace" - Earth Aware, Published in San Rafael CA, 2006, pp.44-45
  • Debailleux, Henri-Francois - "Leur ville la nuit" - Liberatio, Published in Paris. 7-8 October2006, pp.2-3
  • Gerald, Matt - "Interviews" - Kunsthalle wein, Published in Köln: Verlang derBuchhandlung Walther König 2006, pp.160-171
  • Park, Sukie - "Joong ang" - Daily News, New York. 3 November 2006, p.A-14
  • Park, Sukie - Korea Daily New York, 3 November 2006, p.A-20
  • "A Laundry Woman" - Beurs Schouwburg, Catalogue for 2006-2007 Buersschouwburg, published in Brussels: Beurs Schouwburg 2006, pp.90-91
  • Schmidt, Jason - Artists, published in Paris: Edition 7L 2006, pp. 103
  • "Kimsooja" - New Mystics, published in Spain: Gobierno de Canarias 2006, pp.28-33
  • Kimsooja - 2nd Architectural Biennial, Bejing 2006. published in Hong Kong:A&J Int’, 2007, p.43
  • "Kimsooja" - Art Life and Confusion, Catalogue for the October Salon, Belgrade, published in Belgrade: Belgrade Cultural Centre 2006, pp.106-107
  • Kimmelman, Michael - "Global Village Whose Bricks are Art" - The New York Times, 16 June 2005
  • Shimizu, Toru - "Kimsooja" - Art Circus (Jumping from the Ordinary), Catalogue from the Yokohama 2005: International Triennale of Contemporary Art, published by: Yokohama: The Yokohama Triennale 2005, pp.102-103
  • Rugoff, Ralph - "Kimsooja" - Irreducible: Contemporary Short Form Video, Published in San Francisco, CA: CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts 2005, p.12
  • Von Drathen, Doris - "Kimsooja: Im Gesprach mit Doris von Drathen" - Kunstforum Berlin, Published in Germany: Arsnale-Themen 2005, pp.151-155
  • Contemporary Literature Since 1995, Volume Number 602 February 2005, pp.224-256
  • Searle, Adrian - "Filth, Blasphemy and Big, Big Stars" - Guardian, London 14 June 2005
  • Dunning, Jennifer - "Kimsooja" - The New York Times, 11 March 2005, p.E25
  • Gauville, Herve - "Kimsooja En Toute Ubiquite" - Liberation, France, 13 June 2005
  • "Recent Projects" - Public Art Review, Issue 32 Volume 16. Number 2, Spring-Summer 2005, p.67
  • Brown, Elizabeth A. - "Kimsooja" - WOW: The Work of the Work, Catalogue from the exhibition at Henry Art Galley, University of Washington, Published in Seattle: The Henry Art Gallery Association 2005, pp.15-16
  • Vogel, Carol - "Times Square Serenity" - The New York Times 25 February 2005, p.E30
  • Tae, Hyunsun - "The Needlework of Kim Soo-ja" - Leeum: Samsung Museum of Art Newsletter, Spring 2005
  • Anderson, Jack - "Immobile in the Heart of Manhattan" - The New York Times, 14 March 2005
  • Gopalarathinam, Ranjani - "Beggar’s Banquet" - Time Out, 10-16 March, 2005, p.4
  • De Cecco, Emanuela - "Experiencing a Vacuum" - Kimsooja: Journey into the World, Published in Athens: Hellenic Ministry of Culture National Museumof Contemporary Art 2005, pp.20-23
  • Goodman, Jonathan - "Conditions of Anonymity" - Kimsooja: Journey into the World, Published in Athens: Hellenic Ministry of Culture National Museumof Contemporary Art 2005, pp.48-52
  • Morgan, Robert C. - "Kimsooja: A Lighthouse Woman, A Needle in the World" - Kimsooja: Journey into the World, Published in Athens: Hellenic Ministry of Culture National Museum of Contemporary Art 2005, pp.64-65
  • Fumagalli, Fiorella - "La via della seta stasera passa da corso Venezia" - La Repubblica Italy, 19 August 2004
  • Tortora, Francesco - "Quindici Giorno Per Scoprire Milano" - Corriere della Sera, 17 August 2004
  • Tanzarella, Mariella - "Il Pac, Festa Dei 50 Anni Con La Gente" - La Repubblica Italy, 13 August 2004
  • Spagnesi, Licia - "Kimsooja: Trame d’arte e Filosofia" - Arte, July 2004
  • Masoero, Ada - "Sironi giganteggia, Caravaggio martirizza, Brera gallerizza" - Il Giornale dell’Arte, July 2004
  • Corgnati, Martina - "Semi di Sooja" - Carnet, July 2004
  • Gandini. Manuela - "Kimsooja: il mio corpo e come un ago nella folla" - La Stampa, Italy, 25 June 2004
  • Santori, Flaminia Gennari - "Kimsooja: Transmec Group, Galleria Raffaella Cortese" - December 2004
  • Colombo, Serena - "Kim Sooja Donna Ago - Interview" - New Age Milan, June 2004
  • Del Drago, Elena - "Taglia e Cuci Sul Mondo" - Il Manifesto, 16 June 2004
  • Bono, Donatella - "Kim Sooja, l'Arte di Catalizzare Folle di Emozioni" - Il Giornale, 23 June 2004
  • Corgnati, Martina - "La Donna Ago" - La Repubblica, Italy, 23 June 2004
  • Vettese, Angela - "Quell'irresistibile Voglia d'Oriente" - Il Sole 24 Ore Milan, 4 July 2004
  • Pasini, Francesca - "Registrare la Pelle del Mondo" - Linus, August 2004
  • Matilsky, Barbara - "Kimsooja" - Five Artists, Five Faiths: Spirituality in Contemporary Art, Published in Ackland OH: Ackland Art Museum, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 2004, pp.37-42
  • Princethal, Nancy - "Kimsooja at The Project" - Art in America, April 2004, pp.126-127
  • Castelli, Stefano - "el’Artista si Fece Ago" - Exibitart.on paper, pp.ofondimenti 27 2004
  • Behrens, Von Katja - "Erhaben wie der Monch am Meer/ Still, sichtbar gemacht: Kim Sooja im Dusseldorfer Museum Kunstpalast" - Kolner Stadtanzeiger, 24 February 2004
  • Vine, Richard - "Report From Madrid— Our Photos, Our Selves" - Art in America, January 2004, pp.31-33
  • Michely, Viola - "Kim Sooja: ‘Conditions of Humanity’ Museum Kunst Palast, Dusseldorf." - Deutschland Ausstellungen: Kunstforum International, May-June 2004
  • Martin, Jean Hubert - "Sguardi/Views: Kim Sooja and the Calm Strength" - Arnet Arte, April-May 2004, pp.13-14
  • Heinz - "Kim Sooja ‘Conditions of Humanity’" - Ausstellungen/T, Des Monats Germany March 2003, p.40
  • Drobnick, Jim - "Kim Sooja" - Aural Culture, 2004, pp.78-80
  • Goodman, Jonathan - "Conditions of Anonymity: The Performance Art of Kim Sooja" - Art Price, May 2004, pp.80-83
  • Ahn, So Yeon - "Kimsooja" - Mind Space, Published in Seoul: Samsung Museum of Modern Art 2003, pp.105-115
  • Yablonsky, Linda - "Kimsooja: Mandala: Zone of Zero" - Time Out, 27 November 2003
  • Tolstova, Anna - "The Big Six: the best video artists of the world in St.Petersburg" - Pulse, November 2003
  • Brewinska, Maria - "Kim Sooja: Being and Sewing" - Kimsooja, Catalogue for the solo show at The Zacheta Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Published in Warsaw:The Zacheta Gallery of Art 2003, pp.25-45
  • Szymczyk, Adam - "Kim Sooja: March 24, 2003" - Kimsooja, Catalogue for exhibition at The Zacheta Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Published in Warsaw:The Zacheta Gallery of Art 2003, pp.51-59
  • Lequeux, Emmanuelle - "Kim Sooja: Les Fils du Temps" - Beaux Arts, Number 227 April 2003, p. 37
  • Brown, Elizabeth - "In/With the World: Myself, Herself, and the Not-Yet Known" - Identity and Otherness, Catalogue for the Exhibition:Photo Espana 2003, Madrid, 2003, pp.11-12 and 69-70
  • Mah, Sergio - "Kim Sooja" - Lisboa Photo 2003, Published in Lisbon: Passagens 2003. pp.138-141.Kee, Joan. “Claim Check.” Tema Celeste Number 96 March-April 2003, pp.62-67
  • Ardenne, Paul - "Kim Sooja: Coudre des Corps dans le Tissu du Monde" - Art Press, Number 286 2003, pp. cover and 27-31
  • Hoeps, Reinhard and Alois Kolbl, Eleonora Louis and Johannes Rauchenberger - "As Heavy as Heaven: Transformations of Gravity" - Exhibition, Catalogue. Graz Zweitausenddrei. Graz, Austria. Illus.
  • Beyer, Melissa Brookhart and Jill Dawsey - "Walking in the City" - Exhibition pamphlet, Apex art, New York, 2003
  • Goodman, Jonathan - "Conditions of Anonymity: the Performance Art of Kim Sooja" - Art in America, Fall 2003, pp.58-60
  • Hoo-ran, Kim - "Artists Crossing Waters to Hawaii" - The Korea Herald, 1 October 2003
  • Kayal, Michele - "Korean Art Showcased in Honolulu Exhibition" - The New York Times, 28 September 2003
  • Vine, Richard - "Report From Valencia — City of Dreams" - Art in America, October 2003, pp. 56-61
  • Baxley, Colette - "Keeping Lighthouse Lit a Technical Work of Art" - The Post and Courier, 4 June 2002
  • Matt, Gerald - "Kim Sooja im Gespräch mit Gerald Matt" - Kim Sooja: A Laundry Woman, Catalogue for Solo Exhibition at Kunsthalle Wien, Published in Wein: Kunsthalle Wein 2002, pp.7-40
  • Morgan, Robert C. - "Die Fortdauer der Leere" - .” Kim Sooja: A Laundry Woman, Catalogue for Solo Exhibition at Kunsthalle Wien, Published in Wein:Kunsthalle Wein 2002, pp.40-47
  • Rinder, Lawrens - "Kimsooja" - Whitney Biennale 2002 Catalogue for the Whitney Biennale, Whitney Museum of American Art, Published in: New York: The Whitney Museum of Art/ Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 2002, pp.128-129
  • Jantjes, Gavin - "Refuge " - Catalogue for exhibition at Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Published in Høvikodden, Norway: Henie Onstad Kunstsenter 2002, pp.24-25
  • Basilio, Mario, Paulo Herkenhoff, and Roxana Marcoci - "Tempo" - Catalogue from exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art, Published in New York: Distributed Art Publishers, Inc. 2002, p.60
  • Szeemann, Harald - "Aubes: Rêveries au bord de Victor Hugo" - Catalogue of Exhibition at Maison de Victor Hugo, Published in Paris: Paris Musées 2002, p.76
  • Zaunschirm, Thomas - "Trusting is Nothing" - Money and Value / The Last Taboo, Catalogue from the exhibition at the Swiss National Bank published in Switzerland: Schweizerische Nationalbank und Autroren 2002, pp.119-120, 231
  • Archer, Michael - Art Since 1960, Published in London: Thames & Hudson 2002, p. 215
  • Newhall, Edith - "Wrap Artist" - New York Volume, 35 Number 8,11 March 2002, p.109
  • A. G. - "La Vidéaste Kim Sooja Hante le Château" - Association D’art Comtemporain, images passages 16 November 2002
  • Day, Jeffrey - "‘The Memory of Water’ Brings Installation Art Back to Charleston" - Wall Street Journal, 23 May 2002
  • Wilkin, Karen - "At the Galleries" - Partisan Review, Issue 3 2002, p. 428
  • Wei, Lilly - "Kim Sooja at Peter Blum" - Art in America, September 2002, pp. 133-334
  • Thea, Carolee - "Bringing Art to The People: A Conversation with Mary Jane Jacob" - Sculpture, March 2002, pp.52-57
  • Kim, Sung-won - "2002 Busan Biennial" - Wolgan Misool, Issue.213 October 2002, pp.128-143
  • Heartney, Eleanor - "History in the Remaking" - Art in America, Number 12 December 2002, pp.69-71
  • Harvin, Stephanie and Wevonneda Minis - "Evoking History" - The Post and Courier, Charleston, South Carolina. 28 May 28 2002, pp.9-A-12
  • A. Larson, Kay - "Art Becomes an Instrument to Unearth Buried History" - The New York Times, Art/Architecture 23 June, 2002, p. AR 31
  • Levin, Kim - "“Voice Choices Art" - Village Voice, 19 March 2002
  • Bollen, Christopher - "Outsider Art" - V Magazine Volume, 16 March - April 2002
  • Krumpl, Doris - "Der Waschgang von Leben und Tod, Kim Sooja im Project Space der Kunsthalle am Karlplatz" - Der Standard, 15 February, 2002, pp.30
  • Horny, Henriette - "Der Mensch lebt und stirbt im Bett, Kunsthalle project space: ALaundry Woman von Kim Sooja" - Observer, Kurier Wien 13 February 2002, pp.213
  • Kyung-hwa, Shin - "Video Art Kills Modern Concept of Time" - The Korea Herald, Culture. pp.14
  • Goodman, Jonathan - "Kim Sooja" - Art Asia Pacific, 2002, p.51
  • Fibicher, Bernard - Homeland Exists Only In Our Memory In This Era, Translated from the German by Pauline Cumbers. pp.242-248
  • Kee, Joan - "Claim Check-In Contemporary Korean Photography, Young Artists Question the Concepts of Place, Identity, and Belonging" - Tema Celeste, Voume 91 May-June 2002, pp.62-67
  • Chadwick, Whitney - "Worlds Together, Worlds Apart" - Women, Art, and Society, Third edition published in London: Thames & Hudson. 2002, pp.462-463
  • Kim, Sun Jung - "Kim Sooja’s Bottari and Her Journey" - Reinventing Textiles, Volume Two “Gender and Identity”, Published in Winchester: Telos Art Publishing 2001, pp.131-142
  • Herkenhoff, Paulo - "Interview with Kim Sooja, for ARS 01" - Unfolding Perspectives, Exhibition Catalogue, Kiasma, Helsinki, 2001, pp.114-119, 287
  • Heinrich, Barbara - "Sooja Kim, Looking at You" - Catalogue for the Exhibitionat Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel, 2001, pp.18-19
  • Morgan, Robert - "The Persistence of the Void" - Sculpture, Volume 21, Number.1 January-Febuary 2002, pp.30-35
  • Volk, Gregory - "Kim Sooja at P. S.1." - Art in America, December 2001, pp.117
  • Johnson, Ken - "One Woman's Serenity In the Thick of Things" - The New York Times Art Review, 7 September 2001, pp. E 33
  • Village Choice Short List - The Village Voice, 4 September 2001, pp.74
  • Meghan Dailey - "A Stitch in Time - on Kim Sooja" - Frieze, Issue 61 September 2001, pp.86-87
  • Pollack, Barbara - "The New Look of Feminism" - Art News, September 2001, pp.132-136
  • Schwendener, Martha - "Kim Sooja: A Needle Woman" - Time Out New York, No.3116-13 September 2001, pp.114
  • "Top Ten" - Art Forum, September 2001, pp.48
  • Kim, Ai Ryung - "‘A Woman's Gaze in a Strange Street’ A Solo Show at P.S.1 " - New York, Art Review, Art in Culture Korea. September 2001, pp.132
  • Smits, Alice - "Kim Sooja, Going Places, Smart Papers" - Smart Project, 20-10/02-12 2001, Amsterdam
  • Young, Ahn En - "Vivid Colors of Korean Women: Images and Lives of Korean Women" - Text & Subtext, Contemporary Art and Asian Women, Australia,2001. pp.52-59
  • Cotter, Holland - "Lost and Found" - The New York Times Art in Review, Exhibition at APEX Art. 15 June 2001, pp. E 34
  • Tinari, Phil - "Making Asia- Modern History and Contemporary Art in China, Japan, and South Korea" - Exhibition Catalogue for Contemporary Asian Art at Duke Univ. of Modern Art Museum, North Carolina. 2001, pp.13-43 & 54-55
  • Morsiani, Paola - "Subject Plural, Crowds in Contemporary Art" - Catalogue for the exhibition Subject Plural, Crowds in Contemporary Art, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston 03.10-04.29 2001, pp. 58-61
  • Wendt, Selena - "Sooja Kim’s Silk Route" - Art Through the Eye of the Needle Catalogue for the exhibition at Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo, Published in Hovikodden: Henie Onstad Kunstsenter 2001, pp.12-21
  • Von Fibicher, Bernhard - "Obvious but Problematic" - Kim Sooja A Needle Woman, Catalogue for exhibition at Kunsthalle Bern published in Switzerland: Kunsthalle Bern und die Autoren 2001, pp.22-30
  • Nakamura, Keiji - "Kim Sooja's A Needle Woman" - Kim Sooja A Needle Woman, Catalogue for exhibition at Kunsthalle Bern published in Switzerland: Kunsthalle Bern und die Autoren 2001, pp. 4-14
  • Szeemann, Harald - "There are words for activities…" - Kim Sooja A Needle Woman, Catalogue for exhibition at Kunsthalle Bern published in Switzerland: Kunsthalle Bern und die Autoren 2001, p.19
  • Obrist, Hans-Ulrich - "E-mail conversation between Kim Sooja and Hans-Ulrich Obrist" - Kim Sooja A Needle Woman, Catalogue for exhibition at Kunsthalle Bern published in Switzerland: Kunsthalle Bern und die Autoren 2001, pp.35-43
  • Morgan, Robert C - "Kim Sooja, The Persistence of the Void" - Kim Sooja A Needle Woman, Catalogue for exhibition at Kunsthalle Bern published in Switzerland: Kunsthalle Bern und die Autoren 2001, pp.47-56
  • Stooss, Toni - Berner Kunstmitteilungen, No. 328. Switzerland, Jan/Feb 2001, Bernhard Fibicher, Kim Sooja,. pp.18-19
  • "Kim Sooja: Bottari 2001 Sewing into Walking" - Art/Unlimited, Catalogue for Art/32/Basel. pp.66-67
  • Perez Rubio, Agustin - Anthro-a-pologies, Booklet with the exhibition at Galeria Luis Adelantado, Valencia, 2001
  • Pinto, Roberto - "Sooja Kim" - Transforms, Catalogue for the exhibition published in Trieste: Graphart 2001, pp.52-59
  • Nakamura, Keiji - "Kim Sooja’s A Needle Woman" - A Needle Woman, Exhibition Catalogue for the Solo show at ICC Tokyo published in Tokyo: NNT Inter Communication Center 2000, pp.3-9
  • Mika, Fumikawa - "A Needle Woman" - Bien, Volume 3 July-August 2000, pp.14-17
  • Mika, Fumikawa - "Women Artists in Korean Contemporary Art" - Women’s Asia, Volume 21 Number 23 2000, pp.37-41
  • Dziewior, Ymaz - "Sooja Kim: Art-Worlds in Dialogue: From Gauguin to the Global Present" - Museum Ludwig Cologne, 2000, pp.436-437
  • Kern, Kristine - "Global Kunst" - Politiken, 20 Dec. 2000
  • Jurgensen, Andreas - "Interview with Kim Sooja" - Echigo-Tsmari Art Triennale 2000, Exhibition Catalogue 2000, pp.271-272
  • Kim, Seung Duk - "Selfscape, Kim Sooja & Yan Pei-Ming" - Selfscape, Catalogue from the exhibition at Kunsthallen Brandts Klaedefabrik, Odense Denmar published in Denmark: Kunsthallen Brandts Klaedefabrik 2000
  • Curiger, Bice and Christoph Heinrich - "Art and Reality" - Hyper Mental, Rampant Reality 1950-2000 from Salvador Dali to Jeff Koons, Catalogue for the Exhibition Hypermental, Kunsthaus Zurich and Hamburger Kunsthall published in New York: Distributed Art Publishers 2001, pp.89 & 162
  • Riding, Alan - "Exotic? Perhaps, Yet Neither Primitive Nor Pure" - The New York Times, 5 July 2000
  • Ardenne, Paul - "Sooja Kim: Intercommunication Center" - Art Press 261 Expos/Reviews 2000, pp.64-65
  • Tae, Hyunsun - "Kim Sooja: A Needle Woman" - Kim Sooja: A Needle Woman, Catalogue for the exhibition at Rodin Gallery, Samsung Museum, Seou published in Seoul: Rodin Gallery 2000, pp.10-18 Korean version. pp.20-28 English version
  • Youens, Rachel - "The Likeness of Being: Contemporary Self Portraits by 60 Women" - N. Y. Arts, Volume 5 Number 1. 2000
  • Diehl, Carol - "The Likeness of Being" - Artnews, April 2000
  • Breuvart, Valerie - "2000 Taipei Biennial, Tapei Fine Arts Museum" - Artforum, 2000, pp.158
  • Vachtova, Ludmilar - "19 International critics pick their favorite art events Art" - Das Kunst Magazin, Number 1 January 2000, pp.60
  • Bertrand, Anne and Jean-Hubert Martin - "Questions and Answers, Beauty" - Art Press, vol. 258. pp.37-44
  • Schwabsky, Barry - "Fold and Lose" - Art/Text, No. 65. May-July 1999, pp.36-39
  • Kirker, Anna - "Kim Sooja" - Catalogue essay for Beyond the Future, The third Asia-Pacific Triennial, 1999, pp.136-137
  • Kee, Joan - "Cities on the Move" - Parachute, Number 96 October-December 1999, pp. 88-89
  • Ahn, En Young - "Slowness of Speed" - Art Monthly Australia, Number 118 April 1999
  • Kim, Airyung - Bottari-A Wrapping View of Art and Life, An essay for phe two artists show at Kunsthalle Feldbach, 1999, pp.28-39
  • Vetrocq, Marcia E. - "The Venice Biennale-Reformed, Renewed, Redeemed" - Art in America, September 1999, pp.82-96
  • Gellatly, Andrew - "Just Add Water, A review on Venice Biennale" - Frieze, Number 48 October 1999, pp.66-71
  • Madoff, Steven Henry - "Sink or Swim-A review on Venice Biennale" - Art In America, September 1999, pp.82-96 & 144-155
  • Kim, Ai-Ryung - "Kim Soo Ja - A Solitary Performance with Old Fabric" - Exhibition Catalogue for Echolot, Museum Fridericianum, Kassel, Volume Kim Soo-Ja,. pp.25-28
  • Teshikawara, Jun - "After Art, An Art Theory for the End of the Art" - Tokyo, Chapter 5, Kim Soo-Ja / Beyond the thoughts on cloth, a trace of thebody,. pp.264-286
  • Kim, Young-Ho - "Bottari project by Kim Soo-Ja" - 24th Biennale Catalogue, (Catalogue), National representations,. pp.252-255, International exhibition Catalogue Roteiros, Roteiros…. pp.10-11
  • Lee, James B. - "Everyday" - The 11th Sydney Biennale Exhibition Catalogue, pp.134
  • Haye, Christian - "A Seoul Kind of Feeling-Ripping the Fabric of Society Apart" - Dutch, Number 17. 1998, pp.30
  • Kim, Young-Ho - "Preparing the 24th Sao Paulo Biennale, Kana Art" - Seoul, Fall 1998, pp. 96-101
  • Park, Shin-Eui - "History, Kana Art" - Seoul, Fall 1998, pp. 96-101
  • Berger-Bachon, Claire - "Kim Soo-Ja, ou un art charge de sens" - Coree Aggairesler Trimestre, 1998, pp.73-75
  • Corrin, Lisa - "Loose Threads" - Catalogue essay for exhibition at Surpentine Gallery, London, 1998
  • Cork, Richard - "Saying it with Threads" - The Times London, 1998
  • Heartney, Eleanor - "Report from Istanbul-In the Realm of the Senses" - Art in America, 1998, pp.42-47
  • Haye, Christian - "Spin City, On Kwangju, Istanbul, and Johanesberg Biennale" - Frieze, January-Febuary 1998, pp.48-53
  • Martinez, Rosa - "The 5th Istanbul Biennale" - Flash Art, Number 98 November-December 1998, pp.13-15
  • Park, Shin-Eui - "The 5th Istanbul Biennal" - Monthly Art, December 1997, pp.108-113
  • House, Christopher - "Making Asian Moves, Bottari world premiere performance" - Now, Toronto November-December 1997
  • Fleming, Marnie - "Soo-Ja Kim: A Laundry Field-Sewing into Walking, Looking into Sewing" - Soo-Ja Kim: A Laundry Field-Sewing into Walking, Looking into Sewing, Catalogue for solo exhibition at Oakville Galleries, Ontario, Canada published in Ontario: Oakville Galleries 1997, pp.7-10
  • Fleming, Marnie - "A Conversation with Soo-ja Kim" - Soo-Ja Kim: A Laundry Field-Sewing into Walking, Looking into Sewing, Catalogue for solo exhibition at Oakville Galleries, Ontario, Canada published in Ontario: Oakville Galleries 1997, pp.19-23
  • Galasso, Alessandra - Project Room at MAGASIN, essay for the brochure for the solo show
  • Obrist, Hans-Ulrich - "Soo-Ja Kim: Wrapping Bodies and Souls" - Flash Art, Number 19-2 January- February 1997, pp.70-72
  • Kim, Soo-Ja - "Cloth and Life" - Biennial 5, Catalogue for 5th Annual Istanbul Biennale Volume 1 published in Istanbul: Istanbul Foundation for Cultureand Arts 1997, pp.124-125
  • Kim, Soo-Ja - "Cloth and Life" - Biennial 5, Catalogue for 5th Annual Istanbul Biennale Volume 2 published in Istanbul: Istanbul Foundation for Cultureand Arts 1997, pp.160-161
  • Kang, Sun-Hak - "Media & Site " - Catalogue essay, Pusan Metropolitan Museum. pp.24-25 & 52-53
  • Levin, Kim - "The Scream " - Nordic Fine Arts 1995-1996, Published in Copenhagen : Borealis 8, Arken Museum of Modern Art 1996, pp.18-19
  • Kim, Sun-Jung - "Interview with four Korean Women Artists" - Art Asia-Pacific, Volume 3. 1996, pp.58-67
  • Poshiyananda, Apinan - "Tradition/Tension" - Catalogue Essay, The Asia Society, Grey Art Gallery, Queens Museum of Art, New York,. pp.44-45
  • Morgan, Stuart - "Manifesta, The European Biennial" - Frieze, London. 1996, p.50
  • Lebovici, Elisabeth - "Manifesta 1" - Liberation Culture, France. 1996, p.29-30
  • Osaki, Sinichiro - "Kim Soo-Ja an Aspect of Korean Art in the 1990's" - Catalogue Essay, Tokyo National Museum of Art, p.60
  • Hegyi, Lorand - "6 Triennale Kleinplastik 1995." - Europa-Ostasian, Catalogue Essay Sud West L. B., Stuttgart,. pp.14-43
  • Kim, Seung-Duk - "6 Triennale Kleinplastik 1995" - Europa-Ostasian, Catalogue Essay Sud West L. B., Stuttgart,. pp.14-43
  • Haye, Christian - "Asiana, Transculture, Tigers Tail, Venice" - Frieze, Number 24 September-October 1995, pp.66-67
  • Bonami, Francesco - "Beyond The Borders, Our Borders" - Flash Art, November-December 1995, pp.39-46
  • Yee, Lydia - "Division of Labor" - Catalogue essay, Bronx Museum of Art, New York, Traveled to MOCA, L.A
  • Anson, Libby - "Division of Labor" - Art Monthly, London April 1995, pp.32-33
  • Adams, Clive - "Wrapping the Bundle" - Contemporary Art, Spring 1995, pp.36-41
  • Fouser, Robert J. - "Wrapping Everyday Life" - Asia Pacific Sculpture, Spring 1995, pp.34-38
  • Lee, Yong-Woo - "Information & Reality" - The Fruit Market Gallery, Edinburg. pp.47-51
  • Suh, Sung-Rok - "The Korean Contemporary Art" - Kwanju Biennale special show, Kwan Ju, p.93
  • Song, Mee-Sook - International Studio Program at PS 1, pp.5 Fine Arts Center Seoul
  • Park, Rei-Kyoung - "Site and History-Counterpoints in Korea Contemporary Art up to the 1990" - essay for the Tigers Tail, undefined
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