Nuit Blanche 2009, Ville de Paris, Paris, France
Performed and filmed in Paris, 2009, Commissioned by Nuit Blanche Paris 2009
Photo by Thierry Depagne
A Needle Woman – Paris, 2009, Performance Video, Single Channel, 25:00 loop, Silent, HD
Mumbai: A Laundry Field, Continua Gallery, Le Moulin, France
Installation at Kimsooja, Mumbai: A Laundry Field, Continua Gallery
Photos by Thierry Depagne
(Left to right:)
01 Bottari Tricycle, Used Chinese Tricycle with Bottaris, Bedcovers and Clothes, 295 x 190 cm
02 - 03 Five Bottari Installation, Used Korean Bedcovers, Used Clothes, each diameter 68 cm (approx)
04 - 05 Mumbai: A Laundry Field, 2008, 78 Fabrics(Clothing), Variable Size
06 - 07 Mumbai: A Laundry Field, 2008, C-Print 38.7 x 58.4 cm, Series of 12 Images, Photo by Daniel Moulinet